Full Hack Online App Game Of Sultans Verified Site

Game of Sultans cheats



  • Liked it - 11652 Vote
  • version - 2.0.01
  • subtitle - Now rule like a Sultan!
  • Published Dates - 2018-08-04
  • review - This game is really fun to play and is very addicting, there’s on feature of the game that I feel has more potential to grow it would like to see more added to it is the Haram feature, it would be nice if there were more child types then what is offered so that your not getting the same children over and over again make it to where each consort has their own gene pool, it would also be fun if the consorts could have twins and triplets every now and then as well as well as being able to do more with your married children add a feature so they can have children and you can raise them to receive their own grown up title like like prince or princess/lord or lady depending on where the heirs are in line for the throne and hey also can receive junior/ senior levels you could build your own royal family and have a family tree that would be really fun to do it would love to see the Haram feature grow more into that a bit of customization for the heirs and consorts would be nice to and maybe add more consorts to the game as well that would be fun other then that the rest of the game is fun just would like to see the Haram feature grow more so you can build a royal family
  • creator - Mechanist
  • language - English






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